ISCCP-ERBE Flux Comparison Summary

We are fitting ERBE by ISCCP in the hopes of getting the accuracy of the ERBE data with the time range of the ISCCP data. We also hope that by analyzing the differences we can understand why they occur and eventually point out the physical and/or dynamical flaws in the analysis procedures that cause them.

Base Comparison

A simple comparison of ISCCP and ERBE (ERBE-ISCCP) shows a mean difference that averages 12 +/- 7.5 W/m2, and an RMS that averages 15.5+/- 7.5 W/m2 (The RMS includes the mean difference; it is clearly dominated by it).




There are a series of comparisons we can make to better understand the ERBE-ISCCP differences.