
This is restricted to LDEO only


Directories can be read, too, and are mapped to Ingrid datasets. netCDF, CDF and HDF files are defined so that they are read as datasets, .html files are displayed, and extension-less files are interpreted as Ingrid code. index.html is displayed instead of the standard dataset page if it exists. This behaviour means that Ingrid can be used to serve http directories with special behavior on data files.

New Definitions

Files of new definitions can be created and read. In particular, index.tex is read if it exists when a directory is read.

New "Live" Pages

.html files are displayed unaltered, except that anything between <INGRID> and </INGRID> tags is replaced by the output of whatever INGRID code is there.

Data from forms is delivered in an object (PostScript dictionary) which also contains definitions to help process the information.