GIS file formats

Currently three of the output formats in the data library are primarily designed for GIS use, plus one can always generate a plain binary file (.FLT for ArcInfo users, DEC random access IEEE floating point for others) and write a descriptive header file.

Arcinfo ASCII - Arcinfo ascii format -- can be imported into ArcInfo, ArcGIS. Does not work well for large images.
IDA image files - Image Display and Analysis -- a public domain GIS program called WINDISP. One byte images, scaling is stored in the header.
LAN image files - ERDAS ver 7 LAN image files -- reads directly into ArcInfo as an image, can be converted. One byte images (though the format can support two byte integers), scaling is not stored in the header.

Under Development

TIFF image files - very flexible standard for image files: extensions exist to support all sorts of binary formats, though individual programs may not cover all the possibilities.
GeoTIFF - geolocation standard inserted into TIFF files
WCS - Web Coverage Server -- wrapper around TIFF files for communicating directly between clients and data servers.