Technical Questions About the Data Library

Here is a selection of previously-asked questions about a few technical aspects of the Data Library.

Downloading Data and Images
Q&A: How do I download data?
Q&A: I am having trouble downloading netCDF files. What could be the problem?
Q&A: How do I download a figure I have created in the viewer?
Q&A: I get a 'Load to Local Disk...' message when I try to download a netCDF file. What could be the problem?
Q&A: How do I save images from the Select A Point Climatologies that can be used in PowerPoint?

Definitions, Formulae, and Documentation of Datasets-Reanalysis
Q&A: What is the formula for monthly isentropic potential vorticity in the Reanalysis dataset?
Q&A: Where can I find more information about the high-cloud index in the Reanalysis dataset?
Q&A: Why is soil moisture variable in the Reanalysis dataset dimensionless?
Q&A: How are the averages of surface temperature in the NOAA NCEP-NCAR CDAS-1 MONTHLY Diagnostic dataset computed?

Definitions, Formulae, and Documentation of Datasets-Misc
Q&A: What are the criteria and definitions of mean wind speed, sustained wind speed, and maximum gust in the datasets in the Data Library?
Q&A: What is the sign convention for meridional wind velocitiy?
Q&A: How are the monthly averages of vapor pressure deficit in the CEAS dataset calculated?
Q&A: Where is the full documentation for the DASILVA dataset including that for the 1/2 by 1/2 degree climatology?
Q&A: Where can I find more information about the generation of the NOAA/NCEP/EMC/CMB/T40 dataset?
Q&A: Where can I find the age of the ice cores in the NGDC dataset?
Q&A: How are the SST anomalies in the IGOSS/nmc dataset calculated?
Q&A: What does the 'version' grid refer to in the GHCN/V2/adjusted/mean/temp dataset?

Q&A: How should I cite the data I am using from the Data Library?
Q&A: Where can I find more references for the Reanalysis Program?
Q&A: How should I cite the NOAA Baseline Climatological Dataset?

Q&A: May I have the password to access all of the ECMWF data?
Q&A: For what does the "WBAN" acronym stand?
Q&A: Do the values of a gridded dataset represent the center of each grid cell or one of its edges or corners?