Datasets By Category

The links below direct you to a brief description of each dataset along with its spatial and temporal limits and resolution. If you can not find data that meets your needs in the categories below, then you may wish to search for it via either the Dataset Searches or Datasets by Source discovery methods (links shown in navigation banner to the left).

Air-Sea Interface-Datasets focusing on the boundary between the atmosphere and the ocean. Includes sea surface temperature (SST) and wind stress data variables, among others.
Atmosphere-Datasets focusing on parameters describing the atmosphere. Includes surface weather observations (e.g., temperature, precipitation, etc.) and gridded satellite-measured data variables, among others.
Climate Indices-Datasets focusing on climate indices. Includes drought indices and teleconnection indices such as the Southen Oscillation Index (SOI), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and Niño 3.4, among others.
Cloud Characteristics and Radiation Budget-Datasets focusing on parameters describing clouds and the radiation budget. Includes outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), albedo, and cloudiness parameters, among others.
Fisheries-Dataset focusing on fishing ecosystems and industry. Includes catch statistics and economic and environmental data variables, among others.
Forecasts-Datasets focusing on climate forecast data. Includes IRI Seasonal Forecasts, among others.
Historical Model Simulations-Datasets focusing on the recreation of historical data records by model simulations. Includes the NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis and ECHAM4.5, among others.
Hydrology-Datasets focusing on hydrological parameters. Includes drainage area and streamflow data variables, among others.
Ice-Datasets focusing on station data from the Arctic and chemical measurements from ice cores.
Oceanography-Datasets focusing on parameters describing the oceans. Includes upwelling characteristics, chemical composition, and bathymetric data variables, among others.
Topographic and Land Characteristics-Datasets focusing on land characteristics. Includes topographic, bathymetric, vegetation, and marine core sample data variables, among others.